Genuine Clean Premium UK manufactured Supplements

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Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements
Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements
Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements
Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements
Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements
Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements
Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements
Clean Genuine Echinacea Extract + Uptake Blend - British Supplements

These supplements "REALLY" seem to work.

"Just a quick review to say over the years Ive tried many different supplements from various sources with varying degrees of effectiveness, but since using this companies products....."

Note: We are censored by the MHRA (Big Pharma?). You are not (for now) check out the full review(s) below.

  • Quality - The best quality money can buy

  • Potent - Strongest Supplements available most of the time
  • Clean - We don't add any fillers, binder's or bulker's to our Supplements
  • Private - Privately owned company, no old men sitting around a table demanding or extracting all profits. Our products come first.
  • UK - All of our supplements are manufactured in the UK
The more you buy the more you save

Research (know what you want) - Decide - Try Different Brands - Find what works for you and stick with it.

  • CLEAN ECHINACEA EXTRACT - 759.6mg extract (4% Cichoric Acid = 30.2mg) + uptake blend 84.4mg per serving which is x2 caps.

  • CLEAN PRODUCTS - No Nasty Extras - No Fillers - No Binders - Now improved with uptake blend - One of the Strongest Available - UK Manufactured

  • VEGAN - Vegetarian - Gluten Free - Chemical Free Packaging BPA free - 100% Active Ingredient thats it :)

  • CHECK THE SMALL PRINT - Please check the ingredient(s) list on your supplements, 99.9% all use binders, fillers etc We don't use any of these.

Our Goal is to offer you Premium Clean Supplements at High Doses so they have the best chance to help us.

Review terms

The reviews expressed below are the opinion of British Supplement customers. British Supplements does not endorse these views, nor should they be regarded as medical advice or health claims. 

Follow up due to ongoing Government attacks

Due to the on going pressure from the UK Authorities such as the Food Stanards Agency (FSA), Trading Stanards and the local Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council, who continuously attack your freedom of speech when it comes to leaving reviews on our website in the united Kingdom of North Korea.

Funny how these government agencies never suggest we remove negative reviews when someone says a herb did nothing for them. It is always when there are positive results.

What are these agencies really doing to help people ? Are they fixing the toxic tap water throughout the UK ? Are they clamping down on the toxic chemicals in most (99%) supermarket foods ? Why does bread have 10, 11, 12+ ingredients in it ? is that normal ? What nutrition is in bread ? What does it turn into when consumed ? 

Why are we not taught to eat for nutrition ? to fuel our cells so we can thrive and think more clearly ! Amino acids, electrolytes, peptides ? Haven't a clue? Pie and Mash ? yes please........

It is easier to start a business selling cakes with as many chemicals in them as you want, than it is to start a natural health business that actually helps people. You will not get attacked by the above for slowly killing people with death cakes, but you will for helping people in the UK as you are going against the system.

They do not want you the public to know anything about herbs. We are not even allowed to put categories such as "bone support", not allowed to put scientific links to any research and now they want to censor 25K+ reviews on our website. They want us to "cleanse" the reviews of "benefits" so there is zero information on any herbs that we make and sell. 

No money in being Healthy - Lots of Money in Sickness + controlled and confused with depression and all sorts of brain disorders.

Programmed into a system to eat the stuff they want you to eat, so you get sick as early as possible so you eat their pills as soon as possible. Once you start one of their pills you will soon be on a bag of them due to the major side effects you are stacking.

Create a problem via diet, fix it with a lab-made pill that has major side effects that creates another problem most of the time. Fix that problem with another pill and so on and so on, that's the one way health system in the UK.

Human Rights Act 1998, Article 10

"Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers."

The reviews on our website are the opinions from our customers on our products. No public authority can stop you from forming an opinion on our products and leaving a review on that product page.

We will not be censoring any reviews left in our reviews section of our website.

If we use them for marketing reasons we will censor them for obvious reasons as it could be deemed false advertising as everyone doesn't see the same results. Our reviews section is not advertising, it is a place on each product page that our customers can leave genuine reviews of their experiences with our natural products.

Customer Reviews

Based on 71 reviews
Laura Lodyga
Echinacea extract

I truly believe this is one of the best supplements for Autumn-Winter months. It is a second lot I have ordered and this one is for my mum who is 72. In addition to this I have been ordering Ginkgo Biloba, Lions mane, clean collagen, Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium, Chlorella etc... They all are so good! My memory has improved, my eyes are getting better (to the point where I don't need glasses anymore. After 20 years wearing them!), my skin, hair, nails are so much better looking. I used to have iron deficiency and now I am back to the normal levels. British Supplements are life changing supplements! All my Christmas presents for my family and friends will include a supplement from BS this year! I have also printed out a stack list from Chris's email and I am handing it out to everyone I know who is having any health issues. xx

Alan Mcgrath
These supplements "REALLY" seem to work.

Just a quick review to say over the years Ive tried many different supplements from various sources with varying degrees of effectiveness, but since using this companies products (echinacea,various mushrooms,lungwort,schisandra) they all seem to hit the target and help with my ailments very well indeed;and although I have seen some reviews slating the attitude and prices of this company I personally can recommend the products and the attitude I really cgaf about| as long as it they keep up the high quality of the kit.

Wanda Hughes
Eternally grateful

Started taking supplements from BS last year after being hospitalised with covid and then struggling with fatigue and horrendous hair loss. At first had the echinacea, garlic extract and olive leaf extract along with collagen. My hair shopped shedding almost immediately. Since then I’ve added silica and msn to the mix, the results have been my hair is back to full thickness and my nails are growing better and stronger, I have ridged nails and one constantly split so I always had to have it trimmed short. Now it continues to grow without splitting. I’ve had a second bout of covid early this year but sailed through it without any issues. The msn has reduced the pain in my knees and back so I’m now able to get out and walk again. In fact I’ve changed jobs and can spend a lot is time walking during the shift whereas before I could barely walk to my car. The fatigue is mostly under control, I do have to listen to my body but although I have a lot more energy than I’ve had for some time I tend to sleep in snatches of a couple of hours at a time. I recently started magnesium and zinc and have noticed that my sleep time is extending to four hours which is brilliant. Last but not least I started taking ginkgo biloba about 4 months ago. After a month I booked an apt with the optician as I couldn’t read small writing. I wear mono vision contact lenses, one for long distance and one for short which enables me to work on the computer and see paperwork. Long shot of the appointment was my long vision eyesight has actually improved so I’ve had to have a new prescription for the contact lenses. Will have to save up for new glasses but that’s a small price to pay. Appreciate the emails from Chris keeping us informed on side benefits from reviews so hopefully this will help someone else. I recommend BS to everyone I speak to and will continue to do so as I believe in their ethos of purity of product. Keep up the good work

maureen Osayi
The best Natural products i have ever taken

I have been using natural medicines for quite a few years especially during winter time and i swear by them however I was so delighted to try out products from British supplements and to see after almost 7 months taking their different products that they truly are amazing, also the fact they are as natural as one can get is the biggest bonus. im 100000% delighted to have found british supplements

Kimberley Haigh
Never felt a supplement act so fast.

I was full of a bug / detox so I ordered echinacea and chlorella from here as I have had wonderful results from others I have bought. I started chlorella Thursday and added echinacea Friday and no kidding within a couple of hours I felt a change like it eased down a bit. I was still blowing out, and coughing up thick green phlegm but didn’t want to go straight for anti biotics. So I used my chlorella echinacea and vitamin c and d3 all from here, by Saturday it turned from green to yellow, today is Monday and turning white, hardly coughing anymore feels so much better energy returning etc, and I didn’t kill off all my good bacteria with antibiotics for the next 12 weeks headed into winter, healed naturally and nutritionally is the way.
I plan to use these all winter now as they’re so useful. The chlorella will help flood cells with nutrients and detox out the crap as well as heavy metals while the echinacea boosts my immune system, so these are great supplements and so effective. Can’t help but wonder had I started them sooner if I might have avoided it altogether.

How do we compare ?

Pipping Rock

Dose: 0 Cichoric acid (active ingredients)

Nasties ? Yes

Full ingredients list: 

Rice flour, magnesium stearate

Holland and Barretts (oil capsules)

Dose: 0 Cichoric acid (active ingredients)

Nasties ? No

Full ingredients list: 

One soft capsule contains 176mg of dried pressed juice from fresh flowering Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench herb (30-28:1) (equivalent to 3520-4928mg of fresh flowering Echinachea purpurea (L.) Moench herb).

Holland and Barretts (capsule version)

Dose: 0 Cichoric acid (active ingredients)

Nasties ? Yes

Full ingredients list: 

Microcrystalline cellulose, Magnesium stearate, Silica colloidal hydrated. Inactive ingredients in the extract: Maltodextrin, Silica colloidal anhydrous. Capsule Shell: Hypromellose.


30 Times Stronger

Them 0mg

US 30mg

No Nasties

30 Times Stronger

Them 0mg

US 30mg


30 times Stronger

Them 0mg

US 30mg

No Nasties

Dose: 759.6mg (4% Cichoric Acid = 30.2mg) plus our uptake blend.

Nasties ? No way, we care about you and our products integrity

Full ingredients list: 

Echinacea extract 759.6mg (4% Cichoric Acid = 30.2mg) plus our uptake blend which is 84.4mg per serving which is x2 caps.

Full Specs below scroll down :)

We say no to -

Nasty Fillers


Flowing agents

Anti-caking agents



Colouring agents


Flavours and Sweeteners

Rancid oils

The choice is yours.

CLEAN ECHINACEA EXTRACT - 759.6mg extract (4% Cichoric Acid = 30.2mg) + 84.4mg uptake blend per serving x2 caps.

Supplement details

Product Name: Echinacea extract (4% Cichoric Acid)

Scientific Name: Echinacea purpurea

Other Known Names: Purple Cone Flower, Black Sampson, Black Susans, Fleur à Hérisson, Hedgehog, Igelkopfwurzel, Indian Head, Kansas Snakeroot, Red Sunflower, Rock-Up-Hat, Roter Sonnenhut, Rudbeckie Pourpre, Scurvy Root, Snakeroot to just name a few :)

What is it ? Echinacea is a herb used to make *Censored* from its leaves, flower, and root. Echinacea was used in traditional herbal remedies by the Great Plains Indian tribes. Later, settlers followed the Indian's example and began using echinacea for *Censored* purposes as well. For a time, echinacea enjoyed official status as a result of being listed in the US National Formulary from 1916-1950.

However, use of echinacea fell out of favor in the U.S. with the discovery of antibiotics (i wonder why ?..........) But now, people are becoming interested in echinacea again because some antibiotics (will be all ?) don't work as well as they used to against certain bacteria.

Maybe because bacteria are living organisms and are way way older than us so what's it doing ? Evolving ? *** Censored as there is no freedom of speech in the UK due to the ongoing partnership between Big Pharma and the UK Gov (MHRA). ***

Which part of the plant is used ? Root

Strength / Specs ? 30/1 extract, 4% Cichoric Acid

Extraction method ? Ethanol

What exactly is in the Veg Capsules ? Echinacea extract 759.6mg (4% Cichoric Acid = 30.2mg) plus our uptake blend which is 84.4mg per serving which is x2 caps. No nasty extras needed to make these little beauties or any of our products. Sold in monthly packs aswell so its easy to know what your buying.


Customer Reviews

Based on 71 reviews
Laura Lodyga
Echinacea extract

I truly believe this is one of the best supplements for Autumn-Winter months. It is a second lot I have ordered and this one is for my mum who is 72. In addition to this I have been ordering Ginkgo Biloba, Lions mane, clean collagen, Vit C, Vit D, Magnesium, Chlorella etc... They all are so good! My memory has improved, my eyes are getting better (to the point where I don't need glasses anymore. After 20 years wearing them!), my skin, hair, nails are so much better looking. I used to have iron deficiency and now I am back to the normal levels. British Supplements are life changing supplements! All my Christmas presents for my family and friends will include a supplement from BS this year! I have also printed out a stack list from Chris's email and I am handing it out to everyone I know who is having any health issues. xx

Alan Mcgrath
These supplements "REALLY" seem to work.

Just a quick review to say over the years Ive tried many different supplements from various sources with varying degrees of effectiveness, but since using this companies products (echinacea,various mushrooms,lungwort,schisandra) they all seem to hit the target and help with my ailments very well indeed;and although I have seen some reviews slating the attitude and prices of this company I personally can recommend the products and the attitude I really cgaf about| as long as it they keep up the high quality of the kit.

Wanda Hughes
Eternally grateful

Started taking supplements from BS last year after being hospitalised with covid and then struggling with fatigue and horrendous hair loss. At first had the echinacea, garlic extract and olive leaf extract along with collagen. My hair shopped shedding almost immediately. Since then I’ve added silica and msn to the mix, the results have been my hair is back to full thickness and my nails are growing better and stronger, I have ridged nails and one constantly split so I always had to have it trimmed short. Now it continues to grow without splitting. I’ve had a second bout of covid early this year but sailed through it without any issues. The msn has reduced the pain in my knees and back so I’m now able to get out and walk again. In fact I’ve changed jobs and can spend a lot is time walking during the shift whereas before I could barely walk to my car. The fatigue is mostly under control, I do have to listen to my body but although I have a lot more energy than I’ve had for some time I tend to sleep in snatches of a couple of hours at a time. I recently started magnesium and zinc and have noticed that my sleep time is extending to four hours which is brilliant. Last but not least I started taking ginkgo biloba about 4 months ago. After a month I booked an apt with the optician as I couldn’t read small writing. I wear mono vision contact lenses, one for long distance and one for short which enables me to work on the computer and see paperwork. Long shot of the appointment was my long vision eyesight has actually improved so I’ve had to have a new prescription for the contact lenses. Will have to save up for new glasses but that’s a small price to pay. Appreciate the emails from Chris keeping us informed on side benefits from reviews so hopefully this will help someone else. I recommend BS to everyone I speak to and will continue to do so as I believe in their ethos of purity of product. Keep up the good work

maureen Osayi
The best Natural products i have ever taken

I have been using natural medicines for quite a few years especially during winter time and i swear by them however I was so delighted to try out products from British supplements and to see after almost 7 months taking their different products that they truly are amazing, also the fact they are as natural as one can get is the biggest bonus. im 100000% delighted to have found british supplements

Kimberley Haigh
Never felt a supplement act so fast.

I was full of a bug / detox so I ordered echinacea and chlorella from here as I have had wonderful results from others I have bought. I started chlorella Thursday and added echinacea Friday and no kidding within a couple of hours I felt a change like it eased down a bit. I was still blowing out, and coughing up thick green phlegm but didn’t want to go straight for anti biotics. So I used my chlorella echinacea and vitamin c and d3 all from here, by Saturday it turned from green to yellow, today is Monday and turning white, hardly coughing anymore feels so much better energy returning etc, and I didn’t kill off all my good bacteria with antibiotics for the next 12 weeks headed into winter, healed naturally and nutritionally is the way.
I plan to use these all winter now as they’re so useful. The chlorella will help flood cells with nutrients and detox out the crap as well as heavy metals while the echinacea boosts my immune system, so these are great supplements and so effective. Can’t help but wonder had I started them sooner if I might have avoided it altogether.