Product Name: Garcinia Cambogia
Scientific Name: Garcinia gummi-gutta
Other Known Names: Brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind)
What is it ? Garcinia Cambogia is a tropical fruit and is a popular ***Censored*** supplement. People say it blocks your body's ability to make ***Censored*** and it puts the brakes on your ***Censored***. It could help keep ***Censored*** and ***Censored*** levels.
*** Censored as there is no freedom of speech in the UK due to the ongoing partnership between Big Pharma and the UK Gov (MHRA). It involves lots of money of course ***
Which part of the plant is used ? Fruiting body
Strength / Specs ? 60% HCA, 10% Calcium
Extraction method ? Ethanol
What exactly is in the Veg Capsules ? G.Cambogia extract and that's it. No nasty extras needed to make these little beauties or any of our products.
What exactly do we get ? Each Capsule has 348mg of G.Cambogia extract ( 208mg HCA / Calcium 34mg). We sell all of our products in monthly packs so it's easy to buy and rebuy things that help us.