Clean Genuine Devil's Claws 588mg (29.4 Harpagosides)
Supplement details
Product Name: Devils Claws
Scientific Name: Harpagophytum
Other Known Names: Wood spider, Grapple plant teufelskralle, m
What is it ? Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a herb native to South Africa. It has chemicals in it like Harpagosides that can potentially help with *Censored* and *Censored". Devils Claw has been used for thousands of years and it is one the herbs that Big Pharma have captured via the THR scheme (A monopoly for any herbs they select )
They pay off their buddies at the MHRA who give them a license to sell Devil's Claw yet they don't even check the products they are selling. None of these THR products tell you how much Harpagosides is in their products and that is one of the most important pieces of information you need to know.
Im sure you will agree that the Government, Big Pharma, the elites, investors and all the rest of them are not out for our best interests most of the time. So it's no wonder they sell thin air THR products backed by the MHRA.
Your Doctor is a product of the same system so guess what he or she will recommend ? A THR product the first chance they can ........
Our true wellness products are made to be the best they can be and that is so rare in the dodgy supplement space. One law for Big business and another for the little guys trying to do the right thing by the people.
Check out the reviews while you still can as they are coming for our freedom of speech as well.
Lastly I would challenge you to try their THR products for 4-6 weeks and then try ours for 4-6 weeks and see who's product is the best. We stand by all of our products as being the best money can buy.
*** Censored as there is no freedom of speech in the UK due to the ongoing partnership between Big Pharma and the UK Gov (The MHRA).***
Which part of the plant is used ? Root
Strength / Specs ? 5% Harpagosides
What exactly do we get ? Each Capsule has 588mg Devils Claw extract which gives us 29.4mg Harpagosides plus 65mg of our Uptake blend (1:1:1) Black Pepper extract (10% piperine), Ginger extract (5% Ginerol), Cumin extract (10:1). We sell all of our products in monthly packs so it's easy to buy and rebuy things that help us.