APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - 734mg (58mg Acetic Acids) + 81mg uptake blend
Supplement details
Product Name: Apple Cider Vinegar
Scientific Name: Malus pumila Mill
Other Known Names: ACV, Cider Vinegar, Vinagre de Manzana, Vinagre de Sidra de Manzana, Vinaigre de Cidre
What is it ? Vinegar comes from the French phrase vin aigre which means sour wine. The sourness comes from the acetic acid.
Yeast digests the sugars in apples and converts them into alcohol. A Bacteria called acetobacter then turns the alcohol into Acetic acid.
To cut a long and techincal story short this can be called fermentation. The "Mother" which is floating around in your ACV is the above and the good stuff.
Also please note you need to watch out for companies that do dodgy stuff like add lab-made Acetic acid to their ACV products in order to make them look like they are health products. Why take lab made Acetic when you can get it naturally?
We dont add anything extra to our products apart from our uptake blend to help deliver each supplement.
An Apple Cider Vinegar supplement could potentially help with promote *Censored* burning and *Censored* loss, decrease *Censored* *Censored* levels, increase *Censored* sensitivity, and improve *Censored* levels.
*** Censored by the MHRA**** due to the ongoing partnership between Big Pharma and the UK government (The MHRA). Big Pharma fund at 80%+ of the MHRA. The MHRA is a business and a regulator. Conflict of interest ? ***
Which part of the plant is used ? Fermentation
Strength / Specs ? 8% Acetic acid
What exactly do we get ? Each Capsule has 734mg (58mg Acetic Acids) and 81mg of our uptake blend (1:1:1) Black Pepper extract (10% piperine), Ginger extract (5% Ginerol), Cumin extract (10:1). We sell all of our products in monthly packs so it's easy to buy and rebuy things that help us.